Welcome to the web site of Peter Wright VC.
This site is dedicated to all of those Coldstream Guards who never made it home.
Peter Wright was awarded the VC in 1944. The King deemed that the DCM he had been awarded should be converted to the VC - the first time in history that this had happened!This web site is absolutely crammed with information relating to Peter Wright VC.
There are three "buttons"
to the left which will take you to various "areas".
From these areas you will be able to explore the world of Peter Wright VC.
When you are at one of these areas we will display only the other two "buttons".
You will see genuine artifacts and photographs, some of the files may take a couple of minutes to appear; such clarity cannot be rushed. We hope that you enjoy your visit and find this site interesting. We know that you could spend hours looking at photographs, press cuttings and other interesting images. We have tried to make it as easy as possible.
In all cases we will download to your computer many small images which are big enough to view. If you decide that you want a closer look at any picture simply click on any image and we will download a much bigger picture, in a separate window, without taking you away from wherever you are. The process is fully automatic and simply requires you to click on whatever you want to make bigger. It may be prudent (thinking of your computer's processor) to close each window when you are finished with it.
We welcome any feedback by e-mail, simply click the button at left and when we have launched your e-mail program start typing. When you are finished click "send"
We can provide printed
copies of most things and although we will make a realistic charge for this, the proceeds after expenses will go to SAFFA.
Please go to "reprints"
(at the top of this page) for prices, all will be explained there.
You may go the site of
the Coldstream Guards by clicking their button at left.
If you do please come back.
Browsing and let us know what
you think.